中心部にあります。ホテルは、コンノート プレイスとニューデリー駅から 3 キロメートルです。ビジネスにも観光にも、そしてインド人にも外国人にとっても理想的な宿泊先です。このホテルは、首都デリーのランドマーク的な存在となっています。
The property offers 24 ゲストルーム with different layouts for your pleasure. All rooms are tastefully designed and luxuriously furnished for your comfort and convenience.
Enjoy delicious food at Sun Court, serving you with Continental, Indian and Chinese cuisine. The chefs are ready with sumptuous, mouth-watering delicacies that tempt the most discerning gourmet.
A deluxe luxury property in デリー, サンスター グランド ホテル offers you a comprehensive and impressive range of facilities that are aimed at making your stay very comfortable. A meeting hall and many other services and facilities are provided for business purposes. During leisure, guests can simply relax in the steam and サウナ room or bask on the rooftop.
Please Note
The hotel provides complimentary airport pickup for guests.